However, we have so much to share and many of you have been faithfully checking for updates and I have disappointed you for too long, so I will do my best to update you on all the happenings one post at a time.
But this post is about a very special blessing. Yesterday, our church had their annual kids’ Christmas Pageant and our girls got to have a part in it. Thanks to some very special friends and our wonderful Children’s Church Team, they even made it possible for Eliisa to have a part-and she exceeded all our expectations. My faith is so small! So, I wanted to share with you just HOW amazing our God is! Enjoy!
And Eliisa stood up on that stage and enjoyed herself tremendously! Just so you know how amazing that was: Since she has been home she has NEVER stood anywhere for any length of time without complaining (unless of course she was playing with something!).
Although this is a very busy time of the year, take time to celebrate the small blessings in your life and remember the real reason for Christmas!